University of Maryland Visitors Guide - Flipbook - Page 41
5 Edward St. John Learning
and Teaching Center
7 Do Good Institute
The bustling academic building
UMD inspires a culture of philanthropy
features 13 general purpose
and social innovation through courses,
classrooms and nine state-of-the art
internships, mentoring and our signature
chemistry teaching labs, plus a wide
event, the Do Good Challenge.
As the nation’s first Do Good campus,
variety of informal collaborative
learning and study spaces.
8 Fraternity Row
6 McKeldin Library
This site of the first campus football
stadium now includes houses for nine
The largest library on campus,
fraternities, four sororities and a center for
McKeldin supports many of the
culturally based fraternities and sororities.
research and teaching needs of the
Built in the 1950s for fraternities alone,
Maryland community. Highlights
the neighborhood has a partner around
include the collaborative Terrapin
the corner: the Graham Cracker of sorority
Learning Commons, a high-tech
houses. It earned that name when the
makerspace, a reflection room—and
square lots were cleared for construction
two napping pods.
and the clay ground had to be aerated with
small round holes.
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